Subtle energies are washing over the planet.
Over your being.
Allow them in.
Let them fill your cells.
Fill the space between the molecules.
Between the nucleus and the electrons.
Shed the parts of yourself you no longer need.
Let the energies flow through like a babbling brook.
Carrying away those parts that no longer serve.
When you’re closed those energies pass by like a wind over rock.
Be receptive and you’ll blossom.
Parts of your DNA will begin to awaken.
Give intent and even more will occur.
Stillness and silence of mind are the key.
As the layers dissolve away you’ll start to feel them.
The sensation of them filling you at a cellular level.
A soft, cool, thick liquid.
Often it will seep in like a mist.
Other times thin streams will pour into your crown.
Like tiny blossoms opening to receive nectar.
You’ll weep at the exquisiteness.
With each new thought you expand.
Release the barriers of the mind.
Let go of unhealthy patterns.
Reach beyond the confines of your physical life.
You are so much more.
This physical life is but a tiny fraction of your soul.
Magnificent, you are.
Magnificent we all are, each and every one.