
As you rise in vibration you’ll find yourself, whether consciously or unconsciously, assessing everything in your life. Things that don’t align, you’ll release. If you hang onto something out of alignment, it will cause difficulty in one form or another.

Some things you’ll keep, but interact with in new ways. Doors may close so new ones can open and new choices be made available.  There will be people you stop resonating with, and vice-versa, friends who drift away.

Every aspect of your life, from the very small to the very large, from major to minor, will shift.

This is not always an easy process. Soften rigidity of thought and be gentle with yourself. Let go of everything you think you are. You are not your physical self, you are a child of the Universe, a magnificent being of light and consciousness. The more you release, the more this inner knowing will grow.

Awaken like a morning breeze across rolling hills. It’s time to remember who, and what, you are.



