My understandings come from several sources. I encourage you to explore them yourself if you’re guided to. I won’t include links here, the material is easy to find when you look for it.

There are several channellers who have large bodies of work. Two I’ve specifically studied are Kryon channelled through Lee Carroll, and the Ra and Q’uo Law of One material channelled through L and L Research. Both have 35+ years of channellings available for free. There are many other excellent channellers. Use discretion, channellers vary in quality… the quality of the information, the quality of their ‘reception’, the degree the information is or isn’t distorted or influenced.

I encourage anyone interested to read the work of Dolores Cannon. She did deep-state hypnosis past life regression work. The books are mostly transcripts of sessions with clients recounting past lives on other planets, in other galaxies, in other forms.

There’s an abundance of interviews with people who have had near death experiences (NDEs), or who have pre-birth memories, or some other kind of spiritual experience. I was interviewed on the Love Covered Life Podcast, you can find it here. That channel is a great source for personal accounts of spiritual experiences.

Akashic readings have been extremely helpful for me. Your akashic record is the record of all your soul’s experiences, all lifetimes. It is possible for anyone to learn to enter their own, but it is extremely difficult, it is well-guarded. However, there those who have this gift, and with your permission they can access / enter yours. This allows you to more directly communicate with your guides and the keeper of the records. There are many akashic readers, I worked with Krista Rauschenberg, who’s excellent.

My final source of information is direct / personal communication with my guides and higher self. As well as the physical and metaphysical changes I’m experiencing in my body. That in itself is a daily confirmation of the magnificent period we’re living in.